CPA membership is open to:

Contractor or Installer
Organisations which operate either as main contractor or specialist sub-contractor providing and installing corrosion prevention systems, including sprayed concrete sub-contractors, concrete repair contractors, etc.

Consultant or Engineer or Designer
Organisation operates either as consulting engineer, carries out system design, or contract supervision.

Equipment / Material Manufacturer or Component Supplier
For example manufacturers of transformer-rectifiers, reference electrodes, monitoring systems, anode materials, concrete repair materials, overlays, etc.

Survey companies
Companies and laboratories which undertake specialist inspection, investigations or testing of reinforced concrete buildings and structures.

End User or Interested Party
Owner of structures using corrosion prevention methods, trade associations, government bodies, local authorities, etc.

Click here to request a membership pack

*Please note that membership is automatically renewed each year. You need to provide 3 months’ written notice if you wish to resign from membership.